Editorial …………………………….70
Deval (Reshma) Paranjpe, MD, FACS
Editorial …………………………….72
On the origin of anxieties
Anthony L. Kovatch, MD
Editorial ……………………………76
My virtual visit: A new frontier in care delivery
Andrea G. Witlin, DO, PhD
Editorial ……………………………78
Finding my niche: Diagnostic Radiology
Richard H. Daffner, MD, FACR
Perspective ……………………….83
A cure for diabetes: Is this possible in the next decade?
Michelle Roberts, MD
Membership Benefits …………80
ACMS Alliance News ………….84
Classifieds ………………………..84
Materia Medica …………………..86
First FDA-approved oral immunotherapy for children with peanut allergies: Palforzia
Ashley N. Roland, PharmD candidate
Legal Report ……………………..90
Privacy of medical records and personal information: Big Data, AI, expanded EHR Safe Harbors and consumer privacy
Michael A.
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